Because we couldn’t have our dinner this spring, we are going to ask that if you were going to come to the Dinner or just donate, here is a way to still help during this Vivid-19 crisis. The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald’s House is really struggling because they also can’t do any fundraising. So in lieu of the $20.00 dinner ticket, we are asking that you send Race 4 The House that $20.00 and I will send you two of these very lightweight face masks that can show that you donated to the House! Hang in your racecar, family car mirror or wear it in the grocery store and if anyone asks…. Tell them about YOUR involvement with and why it is so important to the seriously ill children and their families staying at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House!!! Thank you all, be safe and let’s KEEP making a difference no matter what gets thrown at us. I am SO proud of the way you step up every time!!!
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